Optimize your charges
Ideal solutions for recovery
your company's credit
We understand that each point of contact between a company and its customers can directly affect the success of the business.

Total customers served
Total operating employees
Optimize your company's credit recovery results
Business intellect is service provider with an endeavor to offer cost-effective high-end quality solutions, focused on addressing customer’s pain areas.
Tele calling
Sales, Collections and Credit Services

Feet on street
Direct Sales force & Collections Agents

Permanent and Contract

Build – Operate – Transfer

Service franchise
Customer support and support functions

B2B Collection
B2B Credit Recovery

years of experience
Humanized Call Center
Request for our free quote
See why you should choose Business Intellect services

Bringing parties to the negotiation table.

Identifying the problems.

Establishing facts.

Clarifying issues.
Some of our individual approach services for better assertiveness
E-mail Blasting
SMS- Blasting
WhatsApp bulk message blasting

Learn about our solutions
We offer a broad portfolio of core enterprise & industry specific
services by implementing the right basics combined with proficientand first-rate execution model.

Digital Lending Partner
Company Name: True Credits Private Limited
Website Link: https://www.truecredits.in/
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